2013 Nextdoor.com Holiday Decoration Map
This is a snapshot of the map used for a portion of our neighborhood in Nextdoor. This particular shot shows green properties for each of the neighbors who have joined Nextdoor.com.
The eight green light bulbs are the eight neighbors that registered as having decorated their houses.
When you are looking at this map from within Nextdoor, clicking on a property tells you the address. This is what we did to add the houses to our nomination list.
(Similar address discovery can be done with other tools such as Google and Zillow.)
The eight green light bulbs are the eight neighbors that registered as having decorated their houses.
When you are looking at this map from within Nextdoor, clicking on a property tells you the address. This is what we did to add the houses to our nomination list.
(Similar address discovery can be done with other tools such as Google and Zillow.)