2014 Spring Cleanup
This was a very successful cleanup both from the organization standpoint to the execution. We has neighbors coming from 8 AM to a few minutes before 11 AM. At one point about 8:30, cars were into Cedar Drive and we opened a second line to clear the street.
We saw our typical loads ranging from beds to boards, with a strong emphasis on yard waste, particularly old evergreen bushes. Interestingly, we no longer offer a chipper, and most of the yard waste, the evergreens, really don't chip in the equipment we once used.
A happy theme of the day was also catching up on contributions to the association.
We look forward to the 2014 Fall Cleanup on September 13, the week after the Annual Picnic.
We saw our typical loads ranging from beds to boards, with a strong emphasis on yard waste, particularly old evergreen bushes. Interestingly, we no longer offer a chipper, and most of the yard waste, the evergreens, really don't chip in the equipment we once used.
A happy theme of the day was also catching up on contributions to the association.
We look forward to the 2014 Fall Cleanup on September 13, the week after the Annual Picnic.
Dumptsters arrived on time and were ready to go at 8 AM Check-in of neighbors moved well. While the traffic at one time reached well in Cedar Drive, and extra incoming lane solved that and everything moved well. The loadout was performed by each neighbor with a volunteer or two helping. (As usual, metal and clean wood were recycled separately from the dumpsters.) We filled each of the three 30-ton dumpsters to about 95%. They were picked up shortly after 11 AM and the church lot was swept and returned to its original fine condition. |
Thank you to all the neighbors that participated with a special thanks to the volunteers.