Green Mountain Water and Sanitation, District Manager, Visits GMCA
At the March 3, 2016 GMCA Board meeting, Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District Manager Dave Hartkopf addressed the meeting. Dave was invited to the meeting by the board as a matter of neighborhood interest. Subsequent to the meeting Dave provided the following description of the presentation along with several exhibits. We extend our appreciation to Dave and the District for the visit and information.
Dave Hartkopf's recap of his presentation:
"Thank you for your interest in the presentation. "I have attached copies of information that was handed out at the meeting and attached two pictures of poster boards that were displayed at the meeting. I hope this helps, "The presentation was mainly to give an overview of the District’s construction projects for 2016. The Yellow Zone Transmission Line (picture board img_0649) and a number of other capital improvement jobs the District will be working on in 2016 (IMG_ 0653) I will include a type written page with a brief description of the projects. ( CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS) "While talking about the Yellow Zone Transmission Line Project I also discussed some of the information I received from the Army on the field study being conducted in that same area for old artillery munitions from the Camp George West. I will include a handout that was provided at the meeting. (Camp George West Open House Posters) "We also brought along copies of the District latest newsletter. (2016 Newsletter final) While discussing the newsletter we got into a discussion about sewer service line repairs in the District. The first point was to make sure and contact the District when you are having sewer problems. We can help to determine if the problem is a District mainline problem or a homeowner service line problem. The District can also help with advice on what to do next. Stop using any water in the home immediately. If it is a problem in your service line, be sure to get multiple bids for any service or repair work that needs to be done. If the company is recommending a repair, have them do a video of the sewer service line. The District will review the video free of charge and help the customer make an informed decision on the repair work. "I hope this information helps. It was very nice speaking to the group and I appreciated their interest. "If you have any further questions please contact me again at our District office. "Thank you, "Dave Hartkopf, District Manager Green Mountain Water And Sanitation District Dave 303-985-1581 Ext. 202 "Green Mountain Water & Sanitation District" |
What a GMCA member learned:
The Manager for our Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District, Mr. Dave Harkopf and the President of the Water District Board of Directors, Mr. Lewis Short gave a detailed and very interesting presentation regarding the operation of the District and about projects underway or soon to be undertaken to upgrade water delivery and sewerage systems. The district provides water and sewer service to approximately 9,480 residential customers, 760 commercial customers, as well as providing sewer service to over 750 extraterritorial customers in the Fossil Ridge Metro District. We learned of the many capital improvements underway and planned in the District (over $3.7million of replacement and improvement projects). The one nearest to our GMCA area is the installation of a new 16” water main going west from S. Cole and W. Dakota Ave to the water storage reservoir along the open space adjacent to Green Mountainside properties. A great deal of the water and sewage infrastructure is over 50 years old and each year besides the “planned” replacements there are serious breakages and leaks that have to be addressed. Mr. Harkopf described some of the tools that are used by the District crews and also how they can be used to assist homeowners in solving problems and identify possible leaks and obstructions. An obstruction or breakage “from the meter to the home and inside” is the responsibility of the homeowner. That doesn’t mean you are totally alone when there’s a problem. The District can give some assistance by offering possible companies and methods. They will not make a specific recommendations as the selection is the homeowner’s choice but they can give guidance and have listing of firms that may be queried for help. The recommendation is to always get at least three bids before a contract. Also, when a fiber-optic survey is done of your waste pipe, bring the recorded study to District HQ and they can help analyze the findings. More information can be found at the website: All in all, the session was very informative and valuable. The ten neighbors in attendance agreed it a very worthwhile session. That’s right 10 people! Messer’s Harkopf and Short graciously shared their valuable time for only a bare handful of GMCA residents. |
This is a drawing of the biggest project in our neighborhood. See the project list below - "New Transmission Water Main".
Each year the District plans construction projects to repair or replace problem water and sewer main lines. In 2016, the District will be working on a number of Capital improvement projects that will cost over 3.7 million dollars.
North Yellow Pump Station In 2016 the District will be remodeling the North Yellow Zone Pump Station located at S Zinnia Way and W Cedar Drive. The two pumps and motors, Control panel and monitoring system, and a surge relief valve will be replaced. New energy efficient motors will be installed to help with the District’s pumping costs. With this remodel, all of the District’s pump stations will have been upgraded or replaced with in the last seven years with new and energy efficient equipment. New transmission water main A major project will be to construct a new transmission water main. The District is looking to improve water flow and fire protection service to the Green Mountain Estates area. This will involve constructing a new 16-inch water line from S. Cole St. and W. Dakota Ave. along the open space area and going west to the District’s water storage reservoir near W. Indiana St. and W. Exposition Dr. The District is coordinating this work with the City of Lakewood and obtaining easements where the new main will pass through the open space. Every effort will be made to minimize the impact to the open space areas and the District will be re-seeding any areas that are disturbed during the project. Due to delays in obtaining easements through open space areas, this project was carried over from 2015 into 2016. Water main replacements In order to keep up with an aging infrastructure, the District will also be doing water main upgrades in several areas. The first location will be a new water main on W Cedar drive between Kipling St. and S Hoyt St. line will help to loop the water system in the area. The District will also be replacing water mains on the following streets W Hawaii Ave from Wright St to the end of the block, W Tennessee Ave between W Kentucky Dr. and S Garrison St., S Youngfield Place from W Jewell Dr. to the end of the cul-de-sac, and W Dakota Ave. from S Hoyt St to W Virginia Circle. Construction crews will be replacing pressure reducing valves that help control the water pressure at S Coors St and W Deframe St and installing by-pass valves on a pressure reducing valve located at S Miller St and W Center Ave. Sewer improvements The District will continue work to install a special liner inside the sewer lines that run in back property lines in older portions of the District. These lines are susceptible to tree roots and require frequent maintenance. This work will help control further damage to the existing sewer mains. At S Zang St. and the 6th Ave. Service Rd. the District uses a sewage lift station to pump sewage from the area over to S Wright St. The discharge line for this station is over fifty years old and needs to be replaced to prevent a failure from the line breaking and discharging sewage onto the ground and surrounding park area. |
Dave provided copies of the 2016 Newsletter
Dave also provided us with an 8-page presentation originally provided to the attendees at the Camp George West Open House regarding the Green Mountain munitions discovery field study. That documents is available here for download.