"We had a swarm of bees pick the tree in our neighbor's yard. Our neighbors are in Mexico until the first of June so we called Animal Control who got us in touch with a beekeeper. He came immediately and "vacuumed" up the bees. He's very happy, and so am I! I think bees are very important to the environment but I don't want them around me!" 5-6-2014 |
Perry Welch, Beeutiful Things,
Owner/Beekeeper, 303-810-1321. His card says he does swarm removal and hive extraction. Email is [email protected]. Perry Welch was very polite, looked like someone who would do a job like this, seems to be respectful of the environment, soft spoken. Otherwise, call Animal Control and they will get you in touch with a beekeeper. |
Note: A neighbor questioned the word "vacuumed" suggesting that such a thing would kill the bees. We checked and in fact, an ordinary vacuum cleaner would kill bees. In this case our beekeeper, Perry, uses a "B-Vac" which is a specially designed industry accepted system that uses a low velocity air vacuum which collects bees and movers them to a box for movement to a new location. In this case our original neighbor did witness the box full of bees to be moved and the beekeeper reports that the swarm, queen and all, are in his back yard. Leave this to professionals and professional equipment. All vacuums are not the same.