Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District
Application for Absentee Ballot
The Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District is a "Special District" in Colorado. GMWSD has annual elections and special elections when needed. Elections are generally by voting at the voting place or by "Absentee Ballot". The page to the right is the "Application for Absentee Ballot". This form needs to be filled out and taken to the application office on Union Blvd. or emailed to the address on the form. NOTE: On the application is check box to become a "permanent absentee voter" which means you will get notices and ballots automatically in the future. This is the only form that will do it to our knowledge for GMWSD. Being a city, county, state or federal absentee does NOT get you ongoing GMWSD ballots. |
.Notice of Election (May 2, 2017)
The form on the right is the official notification for the recall election on May 2, 2017. |