Invitation to the Green Mountain Parents Club!
The Green Mountain Parents Club was started in 2015 by parents in the Green Mountainside Civic Association (GMCA) to bring together parents and children living in Green Mountain Estates. Please use this online forum to arrange group play dates, family friendly hikes/mountain bikes, recommend neighborhood resources, like babysitters, and distribute information about family friendly events. The only requirement for joining the group is living in the GMCA area.
There are two ways to join. One way is to email us directly and we will send you an invite ([email protected] or [email protected]). Or, if you already have a Google account, to go to!forum/greenmountainparents and request to join.
To post to the list send an e-mail to [email protected] or post online from the website
The Green Mountain Parents Club was started in 2015 by parents in the Green Mountainside Civic Association (GMCA) to bring together parents and children living in Green Mountain Estates. Please use this online forum to arrange group play dates, family friendly hikes/mountain bikes, recommend neighborhood resources, like babysitters, and distribute information about family friendly events. The only requirement for joining the group is living in the GMCA area.
There are two ways to join. One way is to email us directly and we will send you an invite ([email protected] or [email protected]). Or, if you already have a Google account, to go to!forum/greenmountainparents and request to join.
To post to the list send an e-mail to [email protected] or post online from the website
Last updated 11-6-2015