GMCA Website Privacy Statement - How GMCA Uses Data
Green Mountainside Civic Association maintains information about neighbors and records property addresses, owner names, and email addresses. Using this data GMCA tracks member voluntary contributions and the year to which the contribution applies, and attendance records for various association events.
Email addresses are used to send bulletins from time to time and never disclosed to anyone. Property addresses are disclosed when that address is publicly available by simply looking at the property. Currently these addresses are used by GMCA to designate winners in our landscape and holiday decorations judging. Photographs of landscaping and decorations may be associated with the address and are always of images visible from the street without leaving public property.
Names of property owners are never disclosed on our website except when specifically permitted by that person. For instance, names of owners of cars featured on the website are only included when explicitly permitted by the owner. Individuals involved with various activities, committees, clubs and groups may have their names published but only with their explicit permission.
Board members names are included on the website and at the board member’s discretion, email addresses and phone numbers may be listed.