GMCA hosts numerous events each year. These events will be posted as to date and time under the events tab. Easter Egg hunt for the kids. The Easter bunny shows up with candy and presents for the kids. This event is held at Foothills Park and everyone is welcome.
Neighborhood Garage Sale is held the first weekend of June. Each resident sets up their sale at their house. Sign up is required to get your sale location listed on the map.
Spring Clean Up is held just after the Neighborhood Garage Sale. Fall Clean Up is held in early fall. GMCA furnishes dumpsters, metal recycling, secure paper shredding and a wood chipper to chip limbs under 3” in diameter. Larger limbs can be placed in the dumpster. Wood chips are available to anyone who will haul them away. Because of the cost, proof of residency is required.
The Summer Picnic is held in mid summer at Foothills Park. Food and entertainment are furnished by GMCA. Everyone is welcome.
Block parties are encouraged to get to know your neighbors. GMCA helps with the cost of having a block party.
There is a Landscape contest during the summer with prizes for the three best yards in the neighborhood.
There is also a Holiday Lights contest with prizes for the three best displays during the holidays.
Santa Visits the elementary school during the holidays to entertain the kids and give them a little gift.
Adopt A Family is an event where GMCA collects gifts and money from contributors to help local families have a happy holiday. GMCA contributes money to this event and distributes to the families. The names of the families in need are given to us by the school.
But What Has GMCA really accomplished? Many of our accomplishments can be found in the Green Mountain History section.